boy boy
St Mary's Primary School
& Nursery Unit, Cushendall


Primary 7 Leavers' Mass and Assembly

19th June 2018

Parents of our Primary 7 pupils are invited to join us for a special Mass and assembly at 1.30p.m. on Friday 15th June. in the school assembly hall. It would be really lovely if every P.7 child could have a parent or any other family member present at this special event as we mark the end of your…


Prize Day

13th June 2018

Everyone is invited to join us for our annual prize giving at 10.00a.m. on Wednesday 20th June in the assembly hall. Can I please make a final appeal for any trophies won last year to be returned to Mrs Black on/before next Wednesday 13th June.


Nursery Induction

1st June 2018

The Induction Meeting for parents of children due to start Nursery on 29th August 2018 will be held in the school assembly hall next Wednesday 13th June at 6.30p.m. The meeting will last approx. 30/45minutes and it is important that all parents are there, if at all possible.


Walk To School Days

5th March 2018

Walk to school will resume on Friday 14th September. Hopefully you will be able to join us. The usual adult supervision arrangements apply. In the meantime, remember to keep up the good work and encourage your child/children to walk to and from school every day.


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